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This is unrelated to other stuff on here but after a few discussions online, normally starting with "can anyone recommend some cardiologists to follow", I thought it would be useful to compile a list of cardiologists on Twitter for general reference.

This list is not exhaustive and I will continue to update - so please let me know if there are any omissions or if you'd like to be added. Or indeed if you want something about your entry changed. The handles are in vaguely alphabetical order and only non-anonymous accounts are included. Don't hate me if I missed you, I have no system to this. I am not an organised man.

To make it more useful for those looking to recruit some new talent to their Twitter feed:

Key (these should be colour-coded but it appears some operating systems aren't showing the colours up)

*Name* = Leading social media voices

Intervention, Electrophysiology, Preventive, Education etc = tags I've added entirely haphazardly so if a tag is missing it means nothing (or simply that the person tweets about lots of things) but if you see one it means that person often posts about this topic. It doesn't mean they don't post about other things. </disclaimer>

The United Kingdom of Cardiology

@AchdExpert Congenital - Evidence based ACHD by Consultant Congenital Cardiologist Damien Cullington MD MRCP FESC (@dc_cardiology). All views my own

@ADeMarvao - Antonio de Marvao. Cardiology registrar and clinical lecturer. Interested in healthcare management, cardiac imaging & inherited cardiac conditions. BMA JDC 16-17.

@DrAfzalSohaib - Afzal Sohaib. Fellow in Cardiac Electrophysiogy & Devices, @escardio Cardiologists' of Tomorrow Nucleus Member, Past President @TheBJCA, run with @ealingeagles

@alanjrobertson - Alan Robertson. Medic, geek

@alistair5hall - Alistair Hall. Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology & Consultant in Cardiology. Father of two outstanding human beings who are Junior Doctors. Mentor.

@amibanerjee1 - Ami Banerjee. NHS cardiologist and researcher.Passionate about global health, data, EBM and how it affects daily healthcare.

@AndrewJMDSilva Sports - Andrew D'Silva

@angularboxoid - James Dundas. General medicine / Cardiology reg working in the north east. I like Astronomy, Echo, Cooking, Gin and Shouting at the Today Programme.

@apps_andy - Andrew Apps. Cardiologist pushing for effective affordable and sustainable healthcare.

@arh_cardio Education - Andrew Houghton. Cardiologist and medical writer, with an interest in medical education. Faculty member at Medmastery & author of the Making Sense... series of cardiology books.

@BCSPresident - Dr Sarah Clarke is President of the British Cardiovascular Society, @BritishCardioSo, promoting excellence in cardiovascular care, education and research.

@BromageDan - Dan Bromage. Cardiology Registrar with interest in heart failure, Clinical Lecturer attempting science, rarely successfully, co-founder of @ReviseAid, rugby fan

@CaraCarahendry - Cara Hendry. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist. Opinions expressed are my own.

@CardiacDoctor - Ravi Assomull. Cardiologist (career and hobby). Early adopter of all things tech. Dad. Foodie. Maida Valer (14 years and counting) Opinions my own.

@CardiologistUK - Niket Patel. Cardiology | Intervention | Research

@chapdoc1 - Andrew Chapman. BHF Cardiology Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Interested in cardiac biomarkers | imaging | data • R | squash • golf • travel

@chiarabd Imaging - C Bucciarelli-Ducci. Imaging Cardiologist Bristol, London. EACVI Vice-President + CMR chair @escardio. But also girlie, foodie and enthus. Aptitude+Attitude decides Altitude

@cpgale3 - Chris Gale. Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Honorary Consultant Cardiologist. Specialist adult cardiovascular care: putting research into practice to benefit patients

@dana_dawson16 - Dana Dawson. Consultant Cardiologist and Reader at University of Aberdeen and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Scotland, UK

@Danthewookie1 - Dan Sado. Consultant in Cardiology, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Lead for South London Cardiac Imaging Training. Lover of all things family and sports related.

@DeepDastidar - Specialty Registrar, cardiology at Bristol Heart Institute

@DocDeaner - Andrew Deaner. Cardiologist, Cyclist and Spurs Supporter. Trust Liaison Dean for Health Education North Central and East London. Determined to make us a nation of lifesavers

@Doctor_Darshan - Darshan Brahmbhatt. Cardiology SpR in East of England. Chief Resident. Heart Failure & Devices. Opinions are not medical advice. All my own views. Retweets not endorsements

@docwold - Simon Woldman. Consultant Cardiologist, Barts Heart Centre, London Specialist in Heart Failure, General Cardiology.All views expressed are personal.

@doc_ccc - Colin Cunnington. Consultant Cardiologist (Heart Failure & Devices). Dad of 3, long-suffering follower of #ReadingFC. #LCHF, intermittent fasting & real food enthusiast.

@DrALindsay - Alistair Lindsay. Cardiologist @GSK @NHSBartsHealth. MD, MBA, PhD. Opinions are my own.

@drandrewsharp - Cardiologist and Senior Lecturer in Exeter, South West England.

@DrAneilMalhotra Sports - Aneil Malhotra. Cardiology doctor- Sports Cardiology, Inherited Heart Conditions, Sudden Cardiac Death. Works with elite athletes & Football Association. MSc Medical Leadership

*@DrAseemMalhotra* Nutrition - Aseem Malhotra. Cardiologist, writer, author, researcher, speaker, cook.

@drashnisbet - Ashley M Nisbet. Consultant Cardiologist and Cardiac Electrophysiologist at Bristol Heart Institute, UK

@DrAsifQasim - Interventional Cardiologist, Dr Asif Qasim is Founder of MedShr - the medical network for doctors to share knowledge to save lives! Join over 300,000 doctors!

@DrBModi - Bhavik Modi. Interventional Cardiologist in training / BHF Clinical Research Fellow / Long Suffering Aston Villa fan / Indian Cricket Enthusiast @DrChrisMcAloon TeamCardioEd - Chris McAloon. Cardiology Registrar | PhD Candidate (HF & CRT) | Author | Echo | Father | Amateur Runner | Co-Founder #CardioEd & @GIMJClub | Fantasy Fiction | Views my own

@DrDanAugustine Education - Dan Augustine. Cardiologist | Echocardiography | Cardiac MRI |Sports Cardiology | Author of Echocardiography and KBA text books.

@DrDavidWarriner TeamCardioEd - David Warriner. Any physician knows how to diagnose, a good physician knows when to diagnose, a great physician knows when not to diagnose.

@drduncanhogg - Duncan Hogg. Cardiologist. General, CT, PCI & Medico-Legal. Social Media Correspondent for Radcliffe Cardiology. All tweets are my own opinion and RTs aren't endorsement.

@drjasondungu Imaging - Jason Dungu. Consultant Cardiologist with an interest in cardiac imaging. PhD in cardiac amyloidosis. Proud husband and father of 3.

@DrIainSim - Iain Sim. Cardiology Registrar, Communications and Social Media officer @theBJCA #ecg#meded #cardioed Surrey/London

@drjaydeepsarma - Jaydeep Sarma. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, North West Heart Centre, University Hospitals of South Manchester. NHS Senate Council member, Greater Manchester, Lancs.

@drmnorton - Michael Norton. Specialist in syncope and community cardiology. Visiting Professor. Major interest in out of hospital cardiac arrest. Part-time emergency & pre-hosp medicine.

@drncampbell - Niall Campbell. Consultant Cardiologist. Pacemaker and Implantable Defibrillator Specialist. University Hospital of South Manchester. All views my own. @DrOliverSegal - Oliver Segal. Consultant Cardiologist & Heart Rhythm Expert at The Harley Street Clinic and Barts Heart Centre. Views are my own.

@drpmcampbell - Patricia Campbell. heart failure and echo cardiology consultant, nerdus extremus, 'sing your soul out'-er, BBC fan extraordinaire

@drstevenwhite - Steven White. Cardiologist @EKHUFT, magnetic resonance imager @SCMRorg, music lover & clarinettist @eudocsorch.

@DrPaulRees - Paul Rees. Cardiologist & Prehospital Physician, Defence Medical Services

@DrScottMurray - Scott Murray. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist turned Consultant Preventative Cardiologist. Royal Liverpool University Hospital. President-elect BACPR. Theory Vs Fact

@DrShaiSen Intervention - Shai Sen. Interventional Cardiologist at Hammersmith Hospital. Researcher. Opinions my own.

@DrTimmyWilliams - Timothy Williams. Cardiology Registrar, Sussex

@Dr_Connolly TeamCardioEd - Michelle Connolly. #Cardiology registrar | Author of The Cardiovascular System at a Glance | Team #CardioEd

@Dr_MickeyJ - Mickey Jachuck. Cardiologist/Clinical Director (Urgent Care & Medicine)/Director of #MedEd - Husband/Father/NUFC fan... Refer to Toni Basil for more info. All views are my own

@EilidhPinkChic TeamCardioEd - Eilidh McGinnigle. Cardiology trainee doing a @theBHF PhD in hypertension science. LOVE cake, food, gin, allotment & sports, esp running! Views my own #CardioEd@gimjclub

@eleanorwicks - Eleanor Wicks. Cardiologist in #heart failure, #inheritedcardiac diseases (#cardiomyopathies), cardiac #sarcoid and #imaging.

@FadyMFouad - Fady Fouad. Cardiology SpR and researcher. Currently working on a deep phenotyping multi centre study of coronary artery aneurysms/ Ectasia (CAE) based @ UHL

@guyll - Guy Lloyd. Cardiologist and Echocardiographer. Barts Heart Centre (All views are my own)

@hashmiketag - Cardiologist in training from London. Healthcare is not a commodity

@Heart_BMJ Heart is an international peer-reviewed journal focussing on advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

@HeartAsia_BMJ - Heart Asia is an online journal that publishes cardiology research from the developing regions of the world for an international audience.

(OK these two aren't individuals - but they're run by several cardiologists, not a social media team)

@HighSTEACS - Nicholas Mills. Professor of Cardiology @EdinburghUni @TheBHF and Chief Investigator of High-STEACS trial, interventional #cardiologist #edinburgh #troponin #bhfcrm

@IainASimpson - Iain Simpson. Cardiologist, Past President British Cardiovascular Society

@IamSpurs - Aung Myat. Plumber of Coronaries | Editor @Heart_BMJ | Editor @OUPAcademic | Views my own | @OfficialNIHR Clinical Lecturer | Author @SpringerNature|#COYS #PCI #DES #ACS

@Jackandrews86 - Jack Andrews. Cardiology Registrar and BHF Clinical Research Fellow at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh. Home is belfast

@JamesCranley - James Cranley. Cardiology Trainee | Researcher

@jckaski - Juan Carlos Kaski. Prof of Cardiovascular Science, Cardiovascular and Cell Sciences Research Institute,St George’s, University of London, UK #cardiology #CardioEd

@jhfrudd - James Rudd. Cardiologist and scientist working in Cambridge. Digital Media Editor at the BMJ journal ‘Heart’. Tech-lover. BSA Media Fellow at The Guardian.

@jerd10 - Justin Davies. Interventional Cardiologist, and Senior Research Fellow @ Imperial College London. Clinical academic with research interest in coronary physiology and RDN.

@joelgiblett - Joel Giblett. Cardiology registrar and researcher in cardioprotection. Thinks about Arsenal too much

@jon1467 - Jason B 'Neill. Own views | #cardiology | #cardioEd | #sepsis |#juniordoctor | sports fan | #qualityimprovement | #redtrousers | Wales Deanery Leadership Fellow 2016/17

@juniordrblog - Dominic Pimenta. Cardiology Registrar. Author. Writer. Guardian/New Statesman/ Big Issue. All views my own and those of

@KardioStar - Toomas Sarev. Cardiologist, Transradial Interventionist, Husband, Dad for 5, Grandad, Black Belt in Korean Martial Arts, HD Motorbike Enthusiast, Apple Gadgets' lover...

@karimratib - Karim Ratib. Interventional Cardiologist, #radialfirst

@kenneth_mangion - Cardiology Registrar | Honorary Clinical Lecturer @UofGICAMS | PhD Candidate (Cardiac Imaging) | Myocardial Strain | Tweets not medical advice + Views my own!

@LCC_DrMalik - Iqbal Malik. Cardiologist, London. #TAVR, #TAVI, #LAA, #PVL, #PFO. Hammersmith Hospital and London Cardiovascular Clinic. Opinionated.

@LynnGreigMiller - Lynn Miller. Consultant cardiologist in Fife; specialist interest - adult congenital heart disease. Medicine, politics and medical politics. All views my own.

@mmamas1973 - Mamas Mamas. Professor of Cardiology, Academic Interventional Cardiologist, Big Data, Running & Vintage Watches

@MarcDweck Imaging - Marc Dweck. Dad, Cardiologist, Researcher, and Imaging Enthusiast. Views mine

@mdstbarts - Charles Knight. Professor of Cardiology. Managing Director of St Bartholomew's Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust.

@MedCrisis TeamCardioEd GIF King - Rohin Francis. Cambridge cardiologist + @UCL PhDer. I make medical & scientific micromovies & graphics. Co-founder of #CardioEd. Much worse than placebo.

@MichaelPapadak2 - Michael Papadakis. Senior Lecturer in Cardiology & Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, St George's, University of London, Chair-elect of the Sports Cardiology section of the EAPC

@mitcharj - Andrew Mitchell. MD | Cardiologist | Author | Innovator in #DigitalHealth | #JerseyCI | #F1 | #AI

@nav4879 - Navin Chandra. Interventional Cardiologist - BCIS Fellow Vancouver Island 2016-2017. Love travelling, boarding & LFC

@NavMasani - Nav Masani. Cardiologist/Clinical Board Director Specialist Services, CAV UHB. British Echocardiography. Taking the kids to Glastonbury. I tweet in a personal capacity

@nolanjimradial Intervention - Jim Nolan. Professor of cardiology at University Hospital of North Staffordshire

@pmhaydock - Paul Haydock. Evolving heart failure doctor, fair weather diver, and taker on of too many tasks. Oxford commas but MA (Cantab.)

@ProfMartinCowie - Martin Cowie. London-based cardiologist & Professor at Imperial College. Tweets on all things cardiac, worldwide travel, hotels & restaurant experiences RT not endorsement

@Prof_Schilling - Richard Schilling. Professor of cardiology with interest in heart rhythm management | Trustee of @AtrialFibUK | Executive Committee member of @KnowYourPulse

@proftomquinn - Tom Quinn. I know nothing, but happy to engage in debate. Retweets do not imply endorsement. Own views. #whywedoresearch ambassador.

@pswoboda81 Sports - Peter Swoboda. Dad. Husband. Runner. Cardiologist. Cardiovascular researcher.

@RAAnderson1 - Richard Anderson. Father, Interventional Cardiologist, researcher, free thinker, athlete possibly

@rach_bastiaenen - Rachel Bastiaenen. Cardiologist, Inherited Cardiac Conditions

@RajayNarain - Rajay Narain. Director, Global Health Alliance,UK. Heart Doctor,St George's,London.Govt Policy Advisor, Sports Cardiology/Sudden Cardiac Death/Emergency Medicine/Skilling/HRights

@REVIVED_BCIS2 - REVascularisation for Ischaemic VEntricular Dysfunction: a multi-centre prospective randomised control trial @OfficialNIHR @KingsCollegeLon#heartfailure

@richardbogle - Richard Bogle. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, London. Education is information, formation & transformation. DHMSA & Interested in Medical History

@richardtill - Rich Till. Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist based in Norwich @NNUH. 1 black lab & a husband @HamptonTill. .

@rkhamis Intervention - Ramzi Khamis. Physician, Interventional Cardiologist, British Heart Foundation Clinician Scientist at Imperial, Translational Research Editor of EuroIntervention and foodie

@robinmotogp - Robin Chung. dad, doctor & disabled children's champion!! there is already a 24/7 emergency NHS. #nhscrisis means crisis! views my own

@sanjaysastry - Sanjay Sastry. Interventional Cardiologist in Greater Manchester, Runner, proud Welshman, Music-lover, Dad and Husband. All views are my own.

@sarahhudsonuk - Cardiology registrar, curator of, author of 'What to buy for baby', fan of Gantt charts, lover of macaroons

@ShrillaB - Shrilla Banerjee. Cardiologist, BCS Ed Committee, Aviation Cardiology Specialist, Author of Swanton's Cardiology, Mum, Runner, Prince fan, chocoholic! All views my own.

@SSharmacardio Sports - Sanjay Sharma. Manage best hearts in the UK. Prof of Cardiology. Medical director London marathon. Sports cardiology Don. Love Spurs. Author of Rapid Review in Medicine

@s_e_petersen Imaging - Steffen Petersen.

@SukhNijjer Intervention/Physiology - Sukh Nijjer. Consultant Cardiologist MD PhD; Interventionalist; Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer Imperial College. Hammersmith Hospital, Chelsea & Westminster; see website

@sulfis Intervention - Sreekumar Sulfi. Interventional Cardiologist| CTCA | Echocardiography | #travel| Music | technology in medicine| #patientsfirst |#RadialFirst|

@surreyHEART - Vinod Achan. MD PhD. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist @FrimleyPark. Alumnus @UniofOxford @USUKFulbright@Stanford. #Angioplasty #HeartAttack#NHS #MedTech #RadialFirst

@susannaprice - Susanna Price. Cardiologist & Intensivist. London. European. Always keen to learn. Opinions my own.

@timkinnaird2 - Likes beer

@UKHeartResearch - Cardiac Research. Research to improve outcomes in heart disease. Views are those of individuals in the group and do not represent @GSTTor @KCL; Tweet/RT/quote ≠ endorsement

@VijayKunadian - Vijay Kunadian. Academic Consultant Interventional Cardiologist Freeman Hospital Newcastle University Christian Chief Investigator @SNR_RITA_Trial Tweets my own


@cardiologist_ - Andrew K Roy. Interventional Cardiologist specialising in TAVI , structural heart disease, peripheral vascular interventions. Dublin. (Ireland)

@ChristianPuel - PhDc Clinical Research @CRIBasel | interested in #perioperative med | methods fan | science communicator | dad (Switzerland)

@DanielSaura_MD - Cardiologist. Clinical & experimental cardiac imager in IMIB-Arrixaca. Echocardiography & Cardiac Magnetic Resonance. (Spain)

*@DrPascalMeier* - Cardiologist, Editor-in-Chief #BMJjournal @Open_HeartBMJ. News on cardiology, medicine, health and more (International Man of Mystery)

@dmylotte - Darren Mylotte. Husband. Proud dad. Interventional Cardiologist. Those are my principles. If you don't like them....I have others. (Ireland)

@FelixValencia10 - Doctor en Medicina. Cardiólogo intervencionista. (Spain)

@ferdikiem - Interventional cardiologist, Sinologist and Author of Transradial Coronary InterZENtions (Netherlands)

@helenatmCARDIO - Interventional cardiology and cardiac MRI. In love with both. Badalona-Córdoba-Québec-Barcelona. #Imacardio#ESC #SEC #Cardiac imaging-intervention (Spain)

@josejgdnews - Jose Juan Gomez. Médico #cardiologo del Clínico Madrid especialista en @imagencardiaca. Casi músico, fotógrafo a ratos y viajero siempre que me dejan.#Blogger y #SocialMedia fan (Spain)

@jvillacastin - Julian Villacastin. MÉDICO, cardiólogo, especializado en arritmias. Director Instituto Cardiovascular, Hospital Clínico San Carlos-UCM, Madrid (Spain)

@KPujdak - Krzysztof Pujdak. Interventional Cardiologist (Germany)

@lpbadano - Luigi Badano. Cardiologist. 3D echo is my main professional passion. I also enjoy running in the early morning, movies, music, cooking and good wines.

@LSerratosa - Luis Serratosa. Sports Medicine Dr with special interest in Sports Cardiology, Sports Injuries and Exercise as medicine

@MAecocardio - Cardiologist. Catedratico Medicina. UCM. Instituto Cardiovascular, H. San Carlos Clinic. President Sociedad Española Imagen Cardiaca @ imagencardiaca (Spain)

@Paddy_Barrett - Cardiologist, Digital Health, Heart Disease Prevention, Med Tech Innovation, Art For Arts Sake, Be Creative (Ireland)

@pancho_cueva - Juan Francisco Cueva. Cardiólogo•Ecocardiografista-TTE/TEE ESC Certification•Máster Riesgo CV•Experto ECG avanzado•Doctorando de Medicina•FEA HCU (Spain)

@rafavidalperez - Médico #Cardiólogo #CardiologistComite científico web SEC #GTDiabetes#CompartiendoSEC (Spain)

@rladeiraslopes - R Ladeiras Lopes. Cardiologist || Clinical Researcher || Cardiologists of Tomorrow Nucleus Member #ESCCoT @escardio || Freethinker || Surfer || #eHealth #SoMe (Portugal)

@RTwerenbold - Raphael Twerenbold. Interventional Cardiology Fellow | Clinical Researcher | University Heart Center Hamburg and @CRIBasel #Acutecardiaccare #Troponin (Germany)

@sarayoussef4 - Sara Youssef. Medical Doctor, Cardiologist, Germany, Lebanon, Multifunction machine (Germany)

@thomas_nest - Thomas Nestelberger. Clinical and Research Fellow in Cardiology @UnispitalBasel @CRIBasel #Acutecardiaccare #Troponin (Switzerland)

@SilCastelletti - Silvia Castelletti. MD Cardiologist, Inherited Cardiac Disorders and #CMR specialist, #EJPCeditorial board member, #EAPC Young Community member (Italy)

North America

@aalahmadmd Electrophysiology - Amin Al-Ahmad. Cardiac EP at Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia in Austin. Syracuse Bioengineering. Tufts Medical. Former faculty at Stanford School of Medicine. Circ A&E section editor

@abdulmsheikh - Interventional cardiologist...father of four...that's enough! I like the Hoosiers, Steelers, and open arteries. Director Wellstar CTO program.

@Abraham_Jacob - Cardiologist @ Providence Heart & Vascular, Director, Adv HF and MCS, #@HopkinsMedicine alum, Thayer/Janeway Osler alum, Tweets = mine

@adcaTicTocDoc Electrophysiology - Ablator, implanter, extractor, occluder, educator, and all-around EP geek. Posts represent personal opinion, not medical advice.

@adribaran - Adrian Baranchuk. Professor of Medicine, Heart Rhythm Service, Queen's University

@aelsab - Abdallah El Sabbagh. Interventional Cardiology Fellow at Mayo Clinic.

@ajaykirtane Intervention - Cardiologist, educator, trialist, and advocate for thoughtful patient care; tweet/reply/RT/quote ≠ endorsement & are hypothetical (not medical advice)

@AkhilNarangMD - Advanced cardiovascular imaging fellow @UChicagoMed. Social media editor @JACCJournals. Past Chair, ACC FIT Section Council. Co-Founder of @MedChiefs.

@alexdica - Alejandro Diaz. Invasive Cardiology MD (Mexico)

@AllenAmornMD - Electrophysiologist, father, husband, and life long learner. tweets are NOT medical advice

@ameykulkarnimd - Ameya Kulkarni. Interventional Cardiologist at MAPMG by day, Health Care Innovator by night, doc wellness in my spare time...and also a papa. Always a papa....

@AmitKeswaniMD - Interventional Cardiologist at VUMC and MRMC | Research Scientist | Engineer | Musician | Thoughts = my own

@andreanatalemd - Executive Medical Director, Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute at St. David’s Medical Center

@AndrewFoy82 - General cardiologist. Clinician scientist. Health services researcher. Cyclist.

@angioplastyorg - Burt Cohen, editor of the web's most extensive independent resource on stents & angioplasty for cardiologists & patients since 1997.

@anish_koka - Cardiologist, Private Practice, #FOAMed financial COI: Ideological COI: too numerous to list

@AnkurKalraMD - Structural Heart Interventional Cardiologist, Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, @UHhospitals; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, @CWRUSOM #UHCath

@ash71us Imaging - Ashish Aneja. Director CMR @MetroHealthCle l @cwru l passionate about #CMR, #echo, #coronary CT, #cardiology, #clinical trials, #wellness #Doc stuff l opinions own #loveDoon

@avolgman - Annabelle Volgman. Cardiologist; Prof of Medicine, Dir of Rush Heart Ctr forWomen, McMullan-Eybel Chair Excellence in Clin Cardiol @RushMedical; passion -#Afib and #women's CVD

@aymanka - Ayman Magd. interventional cardiologist ( ex SCAI BOT ,ex Washington Hospital Center ) runner , diver , NFL . lucky to be in a profession that keeps you learning !

@A_N_Mahmoud_MD - Ahmed N Mahmoud. Cardiovascular Medicine Fellow, @UF, @Gainesville, @FL, USA. Advisory board member of Cardiology and Therapy Journal. #Statins enthusiast. Tweets=own opinion.

@biljana_parapid - An ever busy bee: Cardiologist by training. Assistant Professor of Medicine by choice. Women's rights' advocate by conviction. Shoe afficionado by vocation.

@bcostelloMD - Briana Costello. #Cardiology fellow at Texas Heart Institute in Houston, TX , from #CLE, wife, mother-to-be, cats. #cardiology #hearthealth #ACCFIT

@BradleyMLeonard - Interventional cardiologist, Parkland,B.I.--in-the-trenches blue collar doc, dad, MBA, & all around skeptic--my hero is still Geoff Hartzler, MD

@BruceFye - Medical historian. Retired cardiologist. Author: Caring for the Heart: Mayo Clinic & the Rise of Specialization (Oxford 2015) #histmed #Healthcare #heartdisease

@califf001 - Robert M Califf. cardiologist, trialist, outcomes researcher, former FDA Commissioner

@CardiacConsult Intervention - Fellow-educator, radial evangelist, mobile medicine supporter and proud New Jerseyan.

@cardiobrief - Larry Husten. I write about cardiovascular medicine on CardioBrief. I try not to believe the hype. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's not.

@cardiocarrillo - Arturo Carrillo. Cardiologia Clinica / Insuficiencia Cardiaca y Trasplante (Mexico)

@CardioOncology - Javid Moslehi. #CardioOnc Doc, Cardiologist with a focus on heart problems related to cancer and cancer treatment. Director, Cardio-Oncology Program at Vanderbilt @VUMCHealth

@CardioPlumber - Brad Richardson. structural heart cardiology and extracorporeal life support. thoughts my own

@chadialraies Intervention - Interventional cardiology fellow @MedStarHeart MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Tweets = my opinion

@ChrisBreburdaMD - Governor and President, American College of Cardiology AZ; Director Noninvasive Cardiology & CV Imaging, Prof of Medicine UoA. My are not medical advice.

@ChristianAssad - Interventional Endovascular Cardiologist at RGV Cardiology, Entrepreneur, @CurelyHealth Co-Founder

@ClaySizemore - Interventional Cardiologist, FACC, FSCAI, @ArchboldMedical, Interests: #RadialFirst, #PAD

*@CMichaelGibson* - C Michael Gibson. Doc Artist Researcher Teacher Communicator Philosopher Awake-Dreamer #cmgsays | RT ≠ endorse | Disclaimer here:

@DaktariJay - Jay Daktari. #Physician #Cardiology #Electrophysiology Passionate about clinical care, family & friends. Opinions my own. RT's not endorsements or medical advice.

@davidchomd - cardiology fellow at UCLA. digital health dreamer. arrhythmia aficionado. this account reflects my personal views only.

@DavidLBrownMD - Wash U professor, cardiologist, practitioner of prevention and minimal effective therapy; believer in science, health care as a right and a single payer system

@DavidMayMD - Cardiologist/ PhD Pharmacology: Healthcare delivery Healthcare policy, AUC, EHR, Tweets are my own.

@DebaucheMd Intervention - Thomas L DeBauche. Medical director of Cypress Cardiology PA, founder and medical director of who we play for which is a not-for-profit that screens young athletes

@DLBHATTMD - Dr. Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, is a Professor at Harvard and Executive Director of Interventional Cardiovascular Programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

@Dmozaffarian Nutrition - Dariush Mozaffarian. Dean, Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, Tufts University. Cardiologist, nutrition scientist, public health advocate, happy husband and father.

@doconmoney - Amit K Gupta. Interventional cardiology@UT San Antonio, #RadialFirst #CHIP #SHIP; #HRPCI ; Health economics; @CostsofCare ; #BCM #UF ; TCTMD Blogger; tweets=my own opinion

@DocSavageTJU - Michael Savage. Ralph J. Roberts Professor of Cardiology. Director, Cardiac Catheterization Lab @TJUHospital. Healing hearts through hard-work, handiwork, humanism, and humor.

@doctorwes - Westby Fisher. Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology, NorthShore University HealthSystem Tweets are never medical advice.

@DrAashishDesai - Interventional Cardiology, Northside Heart, Atlanta

@DrFerNunez - Fer Gwyn-Gulati. Interventional Cardiologist. #RadialFirst #TAVR

@drjhatch - Jason Hatch. Husband. Dad to 3 beautiful kids. Interventional cardiologist. Medical director of cath lab. Opinions my own.

@drjohndayMD - Cardiologist, electrophysiologist, husband and father of 3. Healthy lifestyles can heal us. No medical advice shared. Following doesn't mean endorsement.

*@drjohnm* - John Mandrola. Heart rhythm doc, writer for @Medscape, learner, cyclist, co-author of The Haywire Heart, married to an #HPM doctor. The more you see, the harder medicine gets

@DrKentMeredith - #Radialfirst interventional cardiologist @IntermtnMedCtr, husband, father of 5, runner, board-sports, environmentalist.

*@DrKevinCampbell* - Kevin Campbell. Internationally-recognized cardiologist. CEO @PaceMateTelemed On-air medical expert @CBS @FoxNews @MSNBC. Transforming healthcare thru media & tech

@DrLaxmiMehta - Cardiologist, Director & Endowed Chair for Women's Heart Program @OSUWexMed. President/Governor @OhioACC. Tweets = my opinion & not medical advice.

@DrJennHaythe Heart Failure - Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiologist, Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Disease-Pregnancy, Columbia University Medical Center, Mom, Wife, Marathoner, New Yorker

@drmkmittal Intervention - Interventional cardiology, Researcher, Educator, Collaborator, CLI enthusiast, tweets=my own

@DrMarthaGulati Preventive - Martha Gulati MD Chief of Cardiology Expert Women & Heart Disease Prevention Best selling author 'Saving Women's Hearts' Editor @CardioSmart#HuggerInChief

@DrMauricioCohen - Interventional Cardiologist and Cath Lab Director @umiamihospital. Interests: #RadialFirst, #CHIP, #complexPCI, #structuralinterventions.

@DrOstfeld Preventive - Rob Ostfeld. Director of Preventive Cardiology @MontefioreNYC. Plant-based cardiologist. Amateur Improv Superstar.

@DrPandeloF1 - Ricardo Perez Pandel. Cardiólogo Intervencionista de profesión, PASION por la Formula 1 desde etapa GAMETO (Dominican Republic)

@DrQuinnCapers4 - Dean of Admissions@OSUCOM; Interventional Cardiologist; Avid Reader; Lover of Jazz; Black History Buff

@drrakeshg1 - Rakesh Gopinath. Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Associate Professor at Univ of Louisville; Father; love table tennis

@DrRoderickTung - Director, Center for Arrhythmia Care at the University of Chicago Medicine | Heart and Vascular Center. Personal tweets, not medical advice.

@Drroxmehran - Roxana Mehran.

@DrRumberger - John A Rumberger. Director Cardiovascular Imaging: Princeton Longevity Center. Former Professor of Medicine Dept. of Cardiology @Mayo Clinic, PHD, MD, FACC, FSCCT #CCTA #CAC

@DrRyanPDaly - Cardiologist. CMR, CV imaging, Prevention, Valve disease, & nutrition. Also chess, fishing, philosophy. Opinions-my own. Tweets not endorsement /medical advice.

@DrSaririan - Mehrdad Saririan. Husband, father, Bahá'i. #RadialFirstinterventional cardiologist, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona.

@DrSethdb - Seth Bilzarian. Chief Medical Officer @AbiomedImpellaTweets are my own

@DrSheilaSahni Intervention - Interventional Cardiology. Tweets = my opinion & do not substitute medical advice. Interests: #UCLAWomensHeart#Prevention #RadialFirst #CHIP

@drsuneet - Suneet Mittal is Director of Electrophysiology for the Valley Health System - Delivering evidence based, patient centered, team directed, healthcare.

@DrSuzyFeigofsky - Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist at Iowa Heart Center, mother, wife, patient advocate, believer in food and exercise as medicine. #beauthentic

@dr_chirumamilla - Sravya Chirumamilla. Joined Twitter for a @TacoBell contest. @MichiganDaily alum. #GoBlue@BarrySanders retweeted me once. Cardiology fellow in Ohio #ACCFIT

@EiranGorodeski Heart Failure - #HeartFailure #HeartTransplant #LVADcardiologist @ClevelandClinic. Associate Professor of Medicine #CCLCM@CWRUSOM. #HFSA2017 Opinions here are my own.

@EJSMD Electrophysiology - Edward J Schloss. Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology, The Christ Hospital. Views are mine alone. Call me Jay. And my wife is pretty awesome.

@ekgpdx - Ethan Korngold. Interventional cardiologist, peripheral vascular, structural heart at Providence Heart and Vascular Institute. @MGHHeartHealth trained. #RadialFirst#CLI #TAVR

*@EricTopol* - Eric Topol. physician-scientist, author, editor

@fhdwqr - Fahad Waqar. Chief Cardiology Fellow |@uofcincy| @UCCardiology| @AHNtoday| #RadialFirst | #ProtectedPCI

@fischman_david Intervention - David Fischman. Co-Director, Cardiac Cath Lab Director, Interventional Cardiology Fellowship @TJUHospital Advocate for improving clinical outcomes and patient safety

@ethanjweiss Preventive - UCSF scientist (metabolism)/cardiologist (prevention); 2 crazed girls, 1 amazing wife @PalmerWeiss, 1 neurotic dog; @sfgiants/ @Ravens & bandwagon @Warriors fan

@FredWuMD Congenital - Adult congenital heart disease specialist, speaker, and educator @BostonChildrens@BrighamWomens @HarvardMed. Clinical offices in Boston, Waltham, Providence.

@garvankane - @MayoClinic Cardiologist w/ focus on #pulmonaryhypertension & #echocardiography. Associate Professor of Medicine.

@gina_lundberg Preventive - Preventive Cardiologist & Clinical Director, @emorywomenheart Center/ Assoc Prof @emorymedicine@emoryheart Passionate about promoting health thru SoMe

@GOliveiraMD - Guilherme Oliveira. Heart Failure & Transplant Center and Cardio-Oncology Center Director @ University Hospitals. MBA candidate @ MIT. Clinical researcher. Husband and father.

@GreggWStone Intervention - Interventional cardiologist, trialist, innovator, provocateur, educator, husband, father, friend

@gopi_gdanda1 - Gopi Dandamudi. Medical Director, IU Health Cardiac EP, Program Director IUH Atrial Fibrillation Center, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Indiana University SOM

@HashimKhan_1 - Interventional Cardiologist.

@hawkheartdoc - Scott Mikesell. husband, father, Hawkeye, interventional cardiologist, mountain biker, golfer, tweets are mine and are not medical advice

@HeartBobH - Robert Harrington. Stanford University cardiologist and clinical researcher. Interested in health related research, policy and innovative learning tools.

@HeartDocSharon - Sharon Mulvagh. Cardiologist, Echocardiographer, mom, marathoner, grape-grower. Mayo Clinic Emeritus, now Dalhousie University Prof; Heart-healthy living is my passion!

@HeartOTXHeartMD - John P Erwin III. #Dad #Husband #Mayo Trained #Cardiologist ✭Passion: Improving #Healthcare & Patient experiences✭Tweets=own✭ A Cheerful #Heart is Good #Medicine -#Proverbs17:22

@HeartSmarter - Sarah Samaan. Cardiologist at Baylor Heart Hospital, author of Best Practices for a Healthy Heart, yogi, and passionate promoter of heart smart living. Opinions all mine.

@Hinaheartdoc - Hina Chaudhry. Cardiologist, scientist, Assoc. Prof. of Medicine/Director, Cardiovascular Regenerative Med- Mt Sinai in NYC, Founder- VentriNova...views expressed are my own

@hmkyale - Harlan Krumholz. Working to improve the future for those who follow us...

@HuieLin Congenital - #ACHD Doc, Interventionalist, CV Simulation & Model Builder, 3D Print & 3D Tech enthusiast, iCMR Novice, Husband & Dad. Not in that order. My tweets are my own.

@iamritu - Ritu Thamman. Cardiologist,Echocardiographer,writer, Humanities Panel at Univ of Pittsburgh,Mom,advocate for girl's education,Punjabi,global foodie

@inthecameraeye - Daniel Sierra Lara-M. # LFC # YNWA # EPL # Cardio # CardioOnc # Echo (Mexico)

@jacuval - Jorge Acuña Valerio. Cardiólogo Intervencionista y Endovascular Periférico | Internista • Editor en @cardiodata • #Cardiology#Diabetes #PAD #CLI#PeripheralIntervention (Mexico)

@jamesbeckerman Sports - Cardiologist/Prevention/Sports. Heart to Start Coach. Play Smart Heart Screener. Cardiyogi. @TimbersFC MD. Basecamp Medical Director. Husband. Dad. ¡Ultreya!

@jameshorowitzmd Pulmonary Embolism - Cardiac Critical Care. Pulmonary Embolism Advanced Care team. @clotswat @pertconsortiumcommunications

@jamesknellermd - EP doc, EPLabDigest editor, consultant, speaker, blogger, blending personal development & healthy living for new levels of mind-body synergy. Tweets my opinion.

@jedicath - Interventional cardiologist. Trained in medicine, cardiology & IC @BrighamWomens & Deaconess. MS @HSPH

@jescobar82 - Interventional Cards. THI trained. Avid road cyclist. Cérvelo S5. No patient-doc relationship is established by reading my tweets. All opinions are mine.

@JHMontfort10 - J Hernandez-Montford. Interested in social justice and complex cardiocirculatory disorders. Perseguidor del mediocampo creativo y Los Detectives Salvajes.

@JJRyanMD Pulmonary Hypertension - John Ryan. Husband, Dad, Doctor & Irishman. I run a Pulmonary Hypertension Program @UofUHealth. I also just run. Innovations Editor @CircOutcomes. Views are my own.

@JPReillyMD Intervention - Vice Chair, Department of Cardiology; Section Head, Interventional Cardiology System Cath Lab Director, Ochsner Health System Program Director, IC Fellowship

@JReinerMD - Jonathan Reiner. Interventional cardiologist, @ScribnerBooks author

@jtsaxon - John Saxon. Interventional and Structural Cardiologist, Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute

@KaulP Intervention - Prashant Kaul. #RadialFirst Interventional Cardiologist & Director, Cardiac Cath Lab at Piedmont Heart Institute, Atlanta, GA. Cricket enthusiast, part time hostage negotiator

@KevinShahMD - Cardiology Fellow @UCLAHealth | Research: | MTAMO | Interests: Advanced #HeartFailure, South Asians & CV Risk, #Biomarkers

@KhandelwalMD - Akshay Khandelwal. @HenryFordNews #CHIP #RadialFirstInterventional cardiologist, #STEMIsystems of care advocate, and @MichiganACC President. Views expressed are my own.

@KushnerMD - Frederick Kushner. Clinical and interventional cardiologist and professor

@kwoolfmd - Kevin Woolf. Private practice cardiologist in academic withdrawal; Portlander; NFL, NBA, MLB fan; collector of mixed metaphors; homebrewer; dad

@KyleWKlarich - Cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, MN. Program director Cardiology fellowship. Clinical interests in cardiomyopathies, valvular HD, cardiac neoplasms. Tweets my own.

@leftbundle Electrophysiology - Mintu Turakhia. Director of @Stanford Center for #digitalhealth; Chief of Cardiac EP @VAPaloAlto. Outcomes research,trials,medtech,drugs/devices/sensors

@LisaRosenbaum17 - National Correspondent, New England Journal of Medicine, Cardiologist, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MA. Tweets are my own

@majazayeri - Ali Jazayeri. Cardiovascular disease fellow. Background in biomedical engineering. Interested in patient care, research, global health & innovation.

@manuelpatete - Director of Arrhythmias in CECANOT, Dominican Republic, 2.0 , Venezuelan, family.#allWillbeOk (Dominican Republic)

@MCalfonPressMD - Marcella Press. Interventional Cardiologist UCLA Health Assistant Professor David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA Co-Director UCLA Cardiovascular Women's Health

@MarquandPatton - Marq Patton. Current Cardiology #ACCFIT in South FL--AGH/AHN Pittsburgh IC FIT 2018-2019

@MarthaGrogan1 - Cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, with interest in adult congenital heart disease - heart failure - cardiac amyloidosis

@matheenkhuddus - Father, Phins Fan, Interventional Cardiologist, Director of Cardiovascular Research, TCAVI, NFRMC, Gainesville, FL, #radialfirst #ICimaging #CHIP #PAD

@MatthewCertain - Transradial Interventional Cardiologist and peripheralist, Cyclist, Triathlete, Marathoner, and Father to three amazing daughters

@MGKatz036 Electrophysiology - Michael Katz. Cardiac Electrophysiologist, specializing in the management of heart rhythm disorders and prevention of sudden death.

@mgwfriedrich - Cardiologist and researcher (cardiovascular MR); President, SCMR

@minhaskh Intervention - Director of Cardiac Cath Lab and Cardiovascular Medicine, Jackson North Medical Center. Tweets ≠ Medical Advice.

@MinnowWalsh - Opinions are my own.

@mobitz - B Jefferson. Nashville Interventional Cardiologist

@mswami001 (Honorary cardiologist) - Madhav Swaminathan. Vice President Am Soc of Echo @ASE360PGY27 Cardiac #anesthesiologist @DukeHealth #echocardiography #transesophagealecho Also an #autismdad #Delhi guy

@MustafaAhmedMD - Director, Structural Heart Program at Princeton Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama.

@MWaltonShirley - Cardiologist/ pro-SMOKE-FREE US & health Ed reform to CV literacy grades K-12 to mortality and $ spent! tweetsMyOwn

@narrowQRS Electrophysiology - JM Cooper. Director of Electrophysiology at Temple University Health System; Physician, Educator, Researcher, Optimist, Musician, and Empath. All opinions are mine :)

@NavinNakraMD - Interventional Cardiologist. I enjoy opening things and making them bigger.

@Naviyd - Naveed R(?). Future Interventionalist - Fellow at MSBI, NYC '14-18

@netta_doc - JKH. Runner Hiker Snowboarder Cardiologist. Electrophysiologist Associate Program Director. Left Coast. Pls bring coffee. #connect #educate #collaborate

@NirmanBhatia - #FIT Interventional Cardiology @VUMC_Heart Interests: #RadialFirst #CHIP #TAVR #StructuralHeartDisease#Endovascular #CardioOncology. Opinions are my own.

@nishajhalani - Nisha Jhalani. Cardiologist at Columbia University Medical Center. Mom and wife.

@nmarrouche - Nassir Marrouche. Father. Cardiac Electrophysiologist. Personalizing heart disease using imaging and mobile health. Tweets are my own. Executive Director CARMA

@north_noelck - North Noelck. I'm a dad and my only hobby is cardiology.

@onco_cardiology - Juan Lopez-Mattei. Co-Director and Co-Founder, MD Anderson Cardiac Radiology Services. Assistant Professor of Medicine and Radiology. Tweets are my own.

@ottoecho Imaging - Catherine Otto. Cardiologist, Editor-in-Chief Heart @Heart_BMJ, Medical textbook author and editor

@PabloAvanzas - Interventional Cardiologist

@patelapurva - Apurva Patel. Cardiology Fellow, MSBI, NYC; Future Interventional Cardiology Fellow July 2018, Houston Methodist @methodisthosp, @ClevelandClinicAlumnus (Tweets are my own)

@paulzei - Cardiac Electrophysiologist @ Brigham and Women's and Harvard Medical School, aspiring mogul skier. Tweets are personal opinions, not medical advice

@PeterEckmanMD Heart Failure - Heart failure, transplant, and LVAD cardiologist; father; plays trumpet; golfs badly

@philgenereux Intervention - Interventional Cardiologist; Co-Director, Structural Heart Disease Program, Morristown Medical Center, NJ; Patient Advocate. #PatientFirst

@pnatarajanmd - Pradeep Natarajan. Cardiologist, genetics researcher. @MassGeneral, @harvardmed, @broadinstitute

@Pooh_Velagapudi Intervention - Interventional Cardiologist; Structural fellow @nyphospital; Chair-#ACCFITsection; Passionate abt #Education #HRPCI #Valves! #traveling, #reading, #BB#EDM

@PunagD - Punag Divanji. Interventional cardiology fellow @ucsf, research on CV disease in women, former @utswimchief. native Houstonian. tweets=my own, rt/like != endorsement.

@purna_nalabothu - #Mom#wife#cardiologist# Interest: Heart failure and transplant cardiology.Tweets are my own.

@purviparwani Imaging - Cardiologist at Loma Linda university, tweets =my opinion & don't constitute medical advice. Passionate about #CardiacImaging#Prevention#Women'sCVhealth#yoga#food.

@Radial_ICG - Ian C Gilchrist Sr. Penn State University-College of Medicine, Hershey Medical Center Professor of Medicine/Interventional Cardiology FACC, FSCAI, FCCM, FAHA Transradial Expert

@rajivxgulati - Rajiv Gulati. Interventional cardiologist, researcher, Dad and husband. #RadialFirst #CTO #TAVR #SCAD

@rashaalbawardy - Cardiologist طبيبة قلب ...Interventional cardiology and vascular interventional fellow @ Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School. tweets=my own

@RFRedberg - Rita Redberg. UCSF cardiologist and Editor, JAMA Internal Medicine. My tweets are my own.

@rooshaparikh - cardiovascular fellow at MSBI trained #radialfirst. Interested in cardiac imaging @clevelandclinic alumni #womenincardiology #accfit

@rwyeh Intervention - Robert W Yeh. Interventional cardiologist | Health services researcher | Clinical trialist | Lead Smith Center for Outcomes Research at BIDMC. Opinions my own.

@sameerbansilal - Heart doctor with a healthy dose of common sense. I tweet my own horn/views.

@SamRRazaMD Imaging - Advanced Cardiac Imaging Fellow, Parkland/UT Southwestern | Imperial College Alum | Londoner | Passionate about #Cardiology | #Prevention|Thoughts are my own

@sandylewis - Cardiologist, wife, mother of 2 docs, immediate past chair, Women in Cardiology ACC

@saraceciliamtz Intervention - Sara C Martinez. interventional cardiology priv practice, science, music, cycling, running, mom, wife, UTAustin, WashU MDPhD-genetics/diabetes, Mayo Clinic IC trained

@SergioPinski Electrophysiology - Heart rhythm doctor, amateur statistician, vegan.

@ShoaClarke - Cardiology fellow || Trained in internal medicine & pediatrics || Preventive cards, genomics, evolution

@SJatYale Intervention - Sasanka Jayasuriya. Interventional cardiologist, peripheral vascular interventionalist, Echo enthusiast, @YaleMed @GreenHosp. Physician, mother, friend to all..

@sjauhar - Sandeep Jauhar. Doctor, writer @nytimes and @fsgbooks, and trying to be a fun dad

@skathire - Sek Kathiresan. Physician (preventive cardiology). Scientist (genetic basis for heart attack & lipids). Pittsburgh sports. @massgeneral@broadinstitute @cgm_mgh

@SteveSteinhubl - Director of Digital Medicine Scripps Translational Science Institute: Cardiologist, Clinical Trialist, Engineer

@SToniya - Toniya Singh. #Cardiologist & Partner @ SLHV. Wife& Mother. #ACCWIC Leadership council member #AHA Board Member. Optimist ,Avid Reader,Daily Learner, World Traveler,#SoMe

@SusanJosephMD Heart Failure - Cardiologist, #HeartFailure, #HeartTransplant, and #LVAD specialist, Wife, and Mother of three. Tweets are my own.

@SVRaoMD Intervention - Sunil V Rao. Interventional Cardiologist, Clinical Researcher, Tweets are my own & do not reflect the opinions of any institution.

@swiviott - Stephen Wiviott. Father, Husband, Son, BWH Cardiologist, TIMI Study Group

@thebyrdlab - J Brian Byrd. #Physician-#Scientist UMich | #Cardiologist | #Hypertension Specialist | #Clinical Investigator | Tweets unrelated to my employer&not medical advice

@Toaster_Pastry Electrophysiology - Cardiologist. Cardiac electrophysiologist. Fountain pen enthusiast. Former body man at Buddy's Texaco.

@TracyPaeschke - Mother of twins, wife, cardiologist. Nature lover, history buff, wannabe master gardener and chef. #womenincardiology

@Updock - #Radialfirst interventionalist, #Takotsuboenthusiast and Cardiology #Ethics. Research: I ride a bike.

@WallyOmarMD - UT Southwestern Cardiology Fellow, scientist, traveler, and sports enthusiast. Intrigued by all things heart and health related.

@whitemd - Michael D White. Chief Academic Officer - CHI Health, Interventional cardiologist, Technology enthusiast

@WilcoxHeart - Jane Wilcox. #HF doc @NorthwesternMedicine #myocardialrecovery clinic #HFimpEF. Mom. Wife. Daughter. Tweets are my own.

@WilliamZoghbi - Chair, Department of Cardiology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center, Past President, the American College of Cardiology.

@willsuh76 Intervention - Will Suh. Interventional Cardiologist. Tweets are my own & not medical advice & not opinion of any institution. #RadialFirst #TAVR #CHIP #SHIP #CardioTwitter

@Wmdillon Intervention - William Dillon. Interventional cardiologist. Fighting cardiovascular disease with an emphasis on STEMI care, cardiac arrest and radial cath. Opinions not medical advice

@yadersandoval Intervention - Interventional Cardiologist | Clinical Researcher | Focus on coronary disease, ACS & cardiac biomarkers. Opinions my own, not medical advice

@ZainabASamad - Clinician investigator, Assoc. Professor @ Duke; Heart Health, #NCD #Prevention, Patient Advocate; being mom, #CVimaging, #teaching & mentoring. tweets mine

South America

@CardioimagenV Imaging - Diagnostic Imaging no -invasive. Diagnóstico por Imágenes no Invasivas. Servicio Clínicas: IDAT, La Urbina Caracas Grupo Higea Barquisimeto Venezuela. (Venezuela)

@chalperin - Cidio Halperin. cardiologista, eletrofisiologista. Addicted to new technologies (Brazil)

@ecocardio_cl Education - Julián Vega Adauy. Cardiologist & Echocardiographist, TTE, TEE, 3D TEE! (Chile)

@larosaadv - Florangel Martinez. Cardiólogo Especialista en Imagen Cardiovascular ECO, MN, TC y RM. Directora de Cardioimagen C.A

@MBittencourtMD - Cardiologist @ University of Sao Paulo; Assistant Professor of Medicine @ Faculdade Albert Einstein. Interests on CV Imaging, epidemiology and outcomes research (Brazil)

@omendiz - Oscar Mendiz. Chief Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery Institute. Hospital & Favaloro University Board. Associated Director of TCT. (Argentina)

Asia & Australasia

@DrAkmalIJN - Cardiologist.IJN.Fellow at the Royal Brompton Hospital.MedTweetMY-Follow for updates on heart disease and tips for healthy living. (Malaysia)

*@DrBeniRusani* - Beni Rusani. Cardiologist in IJN. Wrote #NovelBreathe available in MPH bookstore & Private clinic appt 0326006616 (Malaysia)

@dr_adeebq - Adeeb Al-Quthami, MD, FACC Cardiology, Cardiac MRI and Vascular Medicine (Saudi Arabia)

@CSHeartResearch Sports - Chris Semsarian. TeamCardio | research | young with genetic heart disease | saving lives | cardiologist | genetics | @Sydney_Uni | @CentenaryInst | @NHMRC | MBBS PhD MPH | AM (Australia)

@drgerrydev - Medical Director New Zealand Heart Foundation Associate Professor in Medicine Univesity of Auckland Cardiologist Waikato Hospital (New Zealand)

@DH_Lau - Dennis Lau. cardiologist with interests in heart rhythm disorders | hypertension | syncope | translational research | wine tastings (Australia)

@Dr_JYounger - John Younger. Cardiologist. Mostly imaging. Tweets are my own opinion, not my employers and not medical advice. This isnt the place for that sort of thing.

@ECGTalk Education - Koh Kok Wei. ECG enthusiast | ECG discussion platform for medical students, junior doctors and allied healthcare professionals #FOAMed #CardioEd (Malaysia)

@EPChitChat - Sootkeng Ma. A Cardiologist cum Electrician shares his tiny feeds of knowledge on heart rhythm disorders (Electrophysiology) (Malaysia)

@johnsomauroo Sports - Consultant Cardiologist in Inherited Cardiac Conditions, Sports Cardiology and Echocardiography. Liverpool and Chester Hospitals & John Moores University

@lamelaspablo - Pablo M Lamelas. Research Fellow at PHRI, Structural and complex PCI fellow at McMaster, Health Research Methodology MSc at McMaster (Argentina/Canada)

@LastCardiology - Dr Will Parsonage - The tweet of TheLastGeneralCardiologist. Cardiologist and Clinical Director of @AusHSI. Retweets here for interest, not necessarily endorsed (Australia)

@martinkstiles - Director of Cardiac EP, Waikato Hospital & Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, NZL. Interests include ablation, device programming, cricket and cycling.

@njohncamm - Senior Interventional Cardiologist | Laser | RMNS | Ethics in Clinical Decision Making | On Mission of bringing Quality Cardiac Care to UP,MP,Bihar & Jharkhand (India)

@PrashSanders - Prof Prash Sanders leads a team with a focus on Heart Rhythm Disorders, Atrial Fibrillation & Sudden Cardiac Death | UofA | Royal Adelaide Hospital | SAHMRI (Australia)

@SGuptaMD - Sameer Gupta. #IntervCardiologist #Structural #Peripheral #CathLabJockey @ABIMFoundation Boards; On-Air medical Expert & Host @NDTV#DoctorsOnCall_NDTV #AngelInvestor#Runner (India)



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